Dealing with field officials
One of the most important things to avoid while shooting is getting in the way of an official or interrupting the game in some way. This can get you kicked off the field very quickly, and make it hard for you capture the kind of shots that your customers are expecting. Always treat the officials with respect and give them plenty of room to do their jobs. If you feel that you are distracting them or getting on their nerves, pull back a bit.
Another helpful practice is introducing yourself to the officials before the game and specifically asking them how it is best conduct yourself and if they have any pet peeves. This way, you can know for sure that you won’t be any kind disruption during the game. Always better to find out now rather than later. Try to maintain a good rapport with them so they that the next time you run into each other, they know that you don’t cause problems and thus avoid future issues.
Make sure that you’re cognizant of where you leave your gear, equipment, chairs etc during the game, as those can often get in the way as well. It’s a good idea to position your gear where it is in line-of-site at all times, but never in the way of officials or players.
Most importantly, never argue with the officials. You want them to always be your friend, so if something comes up and they tell you something, don’t give them a hard time.