It's very helpful when dealing with event organizers to have a gallery of your best work ready to show them. A helpful suggestion is to have the link to your gallery printed on your business card. If you attach your business cards to the flyers as we suggest, customers will also benefit from being able to reference your work. But always be ready to bring your gallery up on your phone and on the spot if need be.
On rare occasions, event organizers may want something in return for letting you shoot on the field. If this happens, don't panic. Try to obtain exclusive access to the field since you’ll likely be giving something up for access. Make sure that you specify “full field access.” Some organizers may try to limit you to certain small areas. Obviously, this is less than ideal.
Start by offering the event organizers free photos that they can use to promote their event. This will require a little more work and thought, but generally will not cost you very much. Sometimes event organizers may ask for more, such as a cash donation, or a certain percentage of your gross. This is unfortunate, but not necessarily a reason to give up the prospect of shooting the game if you feel you can pick up the customers. Start low and try not to offer them more than about 10% of your total gross AFTER TAXES.
To ask for permission or not to ask for permission
We always recommend asking for permission from the event organizers before you start shooting on the field at any game, but ultimately it's your call. Some may believe that’s more ideal to ask for forgiveness rather than permission, but the consequences are wholly on you.
A professional look.
The importance of a professional look cannot be understated. We recommend wearing a solid color polo shirt or similar. Branded with your company logo is best. We also recommend wearing a professional photographer vest such as the one we include in the Starter Kit. It’s unbranded like all of our materials so you can keep your business name front and center. This will make it very clear to everyone that you are a professional working photographer, and thus you are likely to be treated as a professional by officials as well as potential customers. You will also find wearing the photographer vest will increase your ability to make sales as well. There isn’t a good reason not to wear one!