The Bands

The Bands

The bands are a central part of our unique process and approach to action photography. One of our most sacred principles is to never shoot on “speculation.” This means we only shoot individuals who have prepaid for our services. The primary way in which we demarcate the players we shoot is by having them place an orange or yellow band around their shoe. With the band, we can easily recognize which players are our customers on the field and make sure that we are only getting the shots that we have been compensated for. This results in better efficiency, and much higher customer satisfaction.

How to position the band on the player.

Generally we suggest placing the band around the laces of the player’s shoes when shooting outdoor sports. If the player is right handed, the band should go on their right shoe. The opposite applies if they are left handed. This will help you know where to position yourself based on the handedness of the athlete. For indoor sports, the band should go either around the player’s ankle, or shouldn’t be used at all. The band can often get in the way during indoor sports, so its use is not always appropriate. Use your best judgement based on the situation.  

Bands can be purchased individually in stacks of 100, or as part of the GFcrew Kit which comes with 100 included.

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