Why should I wear the Photo Vest?

Why should I wear the Photo Vest?

'Why do I need to wear the Photo Vest?' We get asked this question quite often. It's simple. The Photo Vest quickly and easily identifies you as a working photographer who belongs at the event. At Glossy Finish, when we have a staff of 20-25 people working a national event, we are all wearing the Photo Vest. Our professional appearance creates visual unity and a sense of comfort for the customer. A working staff member can be easily identified and posed questions, hence, it is always the outermost layer of clothing we wear. On top of that, wearing the Photo Vest reduces the odds that you'll have issues with on field access while shooting. If you look like a professional, you'll be treated like one.

The Starter Kit includes one Photo Vest that is generic by only having "EVENT PHOTOS" on both front and back. It is also "one size fits all" with two pockets in the front to help keep things organized.

Though it's not mandatory that you wear the Photo Vest, it will help you stand out at events and we HIGHLY recommend it. If you decide not to wear the Photo Vest, please at least wear something that identifies you as a working photographer, i.e. a branded polo, fleece, jacket, etc. It's important to look professional.


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